Sunday, February 20, 2011

TefView Tab Viewer

TefView has been one of the most helpful things I have found on the web for learning mandolin.

TefView is a free program that lets you view tabledit files. With the TefView program you can...

          -Read the tabs or music (standard notation) or both.

          -Follow along to a midi version of the music.

          -See the chords as they're played.

          -Use the metronome to slow down or speed up playback.

          -Use the multitrack option to play just the lead or the whole band!

...And much more.

There are many, many sites that list tabledit files. Here are a couple of my favotites:

Mandozine Tablature Archive (My all time favorite! This site is almost exclusively mando-tabs.)

All Tabs ( This site has tabs for mandolin and many other bluegrass instruments: Banjo, Guitar, Fiddle, even Dulcimer)

Of course, none of this information would be of any use if you didn't have the program! You can download it Here. Just click the little floppy disk icon labeled "tefv.exe", download, install and start playing!

Screenshot of TefView being used to view "Blackberry Blossom" tabs.

I hope this is of some help to you on your epic journey to mandolin mastery!

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